HCPSS Contract Number
Ordering Instructions
Gopher Sport Contact: Mr. Andy Tupy
2525 Lemond Street St. SW E-mail: andytupy@gophersport.com
Owatonna, MN 55060 Phone: 1-855-500-27 49
Website: www.gophorsport.com Fax: 1-888-319-7 452
10% Discount off the most recently published Gopher catalog.
Discount does not apply to "Only from Gopher" (OFG) items.
Please reference the HCPSS Bid #027.17.B4 (Awarded 2/23/17, Expires 2/22/23)and indicate the 10% catalog discount on all orders (P.O.) or to your customer care representative when placing your order.
It is the ordering school’s responsibility to arrange assembly if necessary and clarify if any shipping or other charges will be subject to their order and indicate on the Purchase Order.